Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are You wearing Your Ruby Slippers?

Today is my first blog posting for Pocket of Pearls and I was tossing out ideas to myself on where to begin. Thinking of my self-journey that started in 1986, as a newly sober young woman, another moment in my life came back to me.

In my mid 20’s I opened a hair salon in my community. I was very nervous and excited at the same time. It was called ‘Visions’….Hmmm……I knew I could handle self-employment, yet the unknown frightened me of actually owning my own salon. The first few months were nerve wracking, but I did not give up. I continued to work hard while continuing to self-promote and one day – boom! I had more business than I could handle. However, I worked at it and was relentless!

I was thriving with my personal success and FELT successful as well. My sobriety and AA was teaching me so much about life! I really had learned how to stop and smell the roses, but it did take time and I had more to learn. Looking back just a few short years earlier and remembering being at the bottom of my self-worth before I became sober. I would of never imagined then, happiness was truly possible within ME! What I mean by this is I was happy and confident. Not arrogant, I just felt satisfied inside of me.

This is about the time I got my first tattoo. Yes, I have a tattoo of Mickey Mouse on my ankle with a magic wand in his hand. My entire life I have been a huge Disney fan and thought it was a perfect way to keep Mickey with me at all times. It reminds me that the kid in me will never die. Just ask my nieces and nephews!

I remember describing what I wanted in Mickey’s hand to the artist, which was a magic wand. My personal thoughts immediately were….the magic of ME starts inside of me… Hmmm…what a great thought. I have what I need to find peace and contentment with me already. I just have to remember sometimes it means swimming against the current, but it does make you stronger. I had to remember to reach out for support when times are tough, while being kind to self. Life is not about perfect days, but rather knowing when to enjoy each day we have.

Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and her ruby slippers. All along, she had the power with her to go home, but she did not know it. My hope for you and your Pocket of Pearls journey is to start learning about your relationship with YOU. Do not be afraid, your soul is good, kind, and caring. Sometimes our tough times in life make a few tough layers we need to weed through to feel good again. Some of us need and desire the guidance/structure of a personal Life Coach. If you are ready for a great asset on this journey of self-discovery, I will find you the best fit in a coach for you. I would be happy to do just that, but it is up to you! A coach can show you a healthy path if you feel you have some tough issues to get past, while learning amazing tools for life. Remember, you are not alone. We all have tough layers of self to heal!

Keep in mind; you are already wearing your ruby slippers. Your journey of self-help can start today with your Pocket of Pearls workbook! This pocket journal gives you daily challenges to check in with YOU and work on your relationship with self. It starts you on this journey of finding peace and contentment.

See you next week!


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