Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wise Words from Yoda!

As I was kicking around topics this week, I kept going back to a quote I ran across in school.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. –Yoda

Fear is such venom in our minds and hearts and it leads us to create much more hurt in life. Hurt that we carry around with us daily and it is often ‘unknowingly’ projected on everything or everyone we encounter. Often, we do not visually see this part of us….but, it is festering inside. Fear has many different faces that we wear: Anger, upset, frustration, sadness, judgment, boredom, and many more. However, we do not always see the clear picture of what is really beneath our current feelings. In the end, Yoda is accurate with fear leading to our personal suffering. WE are the ones that suffer from our unresolved fear.

With that said, it is scary to look inside because what if we don’t like what we see? What if we are not who we hoped we are? Do not worry, you were born with a very caring, loving soul and it is still in there. We just have some dusting to do of the years of life you have lived. Life is not perfect and we all have had moments in life that has hurt and disappointed us. These are the ‘unresolved’ items we have in the way of feeling peaceful again. Therefore, let us do some housework and start dusting everything! Grab your can of Pledge and a dusting cloth = Pocket of Pearls journal, and let us get started!

Do you want to feel less annoyance, frustration, and confusion? If so, the answer lies right in front of you or should I say inside of you! It takes small stepping-stones to begin finding more peace. One-step at a time. If you take a huge leap and go from one extreme to the other it really is not healing, it is another mask. If you put on a ‘fake’ smile and do not look inside and care for yourself this is just another mask and one that will not last long. I have been there many years ago before I realized soul searching is the key to happiness. You are not alone here at all! In addition, this is where a personal coach can help you find a stronger path to peace. I have worked with countless people over the years that desire more peace in their life and find it! It takes some hard work to get there, but it is soo worth it. Please remember, it is much more exhausting to live suffering each day with unresolved hurt and fear than it is to work through it. I know this from personal experience and the people I have coached. I have a sturdy toolbox to help you on this path to peace.

Therefore, your choices are starting today or continue waiting for life to magically change. Hmmm…I must add that the journey may be a little rough from time to time and it can be grand others….. It is soooo worth it!

Have a faaaabulous Sunday!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Would you climb that Mountain?

I hope this finds you spending a leisurely Sunday at home recouping from your busy week. Hmmm… sounds like what I am doing. However, my lawn is calling my name again and it will get some attention today. It appears to be a beautiful day today, so I am looking forward to sometime outside.

I am on my last week of this term in school and I feel such a load off my mind with one of my two classes - Statistics. I am learning so many facts from my instructor and classmates about this class because I was clueless before hand. Many people drop this course or change their major because of it and I survived it – I did well I might add! I am not bragging here, rather feeling a huge sense of accomplishment. I had a few fleeting moments the first week of quitting, but they were fleeting. I had to find a way over this mountain for my Psychology degree, there was not any wiggle room. Also, quitting is not an option.

Yes, this class has been ‘over the top’ time consuming and taxing, but I did not give up. Quitting is never an answer for anything and we must look at our life to see if we use this ‘out’ as an excuse for our fears. Do you face your fears? Or Do you find a way to ‘avoid’ them? After all, if you do not try it you cannot fail. However, remember if you do not try, you cannot succeed either! Do you think of this in the moment? Do you weigh the consequences of what you are giving up? For most people the answer is no. It just seems the ‘easier’ way out to end the current struggle. What is your mountain?

Growth happens when we try the uncomfortable and stumble a little. When we live in our comfort zone daily without trying new things and getting uncomfortable, we stop growing. This is when our passion starts to die and we feel empty inside. The mundane sets in and sadly, many people think ‘hey it’s just the way it is suppose to be.’ I respectfully disagree with this statement! Life is about thriving, not just existing. Believe you me, I have been in the ‘existing’ mode too, and I wasn’t happy.

The workbook Pocket of Pearls can help you start taking your temperature of where your thoughts and inner voice is leading you. It gives you daily challenges to learn where you are at and challenges you to go to a better place. It is the first huge step is making changes in your life.

Have a great Sunday!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What is on your Vision Wall?


Happy Sunday! I have had a great week with school and work, while working with people who are discovering Pocket of Pearls. I have a monthly newsletter starting on September 1, so be sure to sign up for this subscription. Send your email address to and you will be added to our database.

Yes, I have a Vision Wall! I have had a version of this for many, many years. I have had one in the past since I was in my 20’s [in the 80’s] cut out photos of effects I wanted in my life and place them in areas I would view a lot. I didn’t think of it as visualizing tho, only of dreaming. However, I believed the right ones would come true. I had some friends think this was comical or silly, so I started putting these things or lists of dreams only where I could see it. Maybe I shouldn’t of cut back a bit from others seeing it, but what mattered is ‘I’ believe it and loved doing it!

Once I started working from home, I started putting items on the wall in my home office. It became my Vision wall. Once I saw The Secret, the validation was great and I even got much more specific in my dreams. Visualizing to materializing is the key to moving forward and one day living your dreams. It is a huge notch above positive thinking, but we must feel optimistic with our ‘Vision Wall’. [Trivia on Merna - Her hair salon’s she had in the 90s and the early 2000’s name was Visions. Health issues ended her stylist career.]

This is where your journal Pocket of Pearls will start you on this path to materializing your passions. We must ignite the fire inside of us to create this lure of attraction. Remember, in the law of attraction like attracts like. However, if our inner voice isn’t positive and peaceful you will attract more negativity. All of us have experienced this and not realized it and it can start changing today. Pocket of Pearls is the one-step with a big impact on changing your path. Aren’t you worth starting this healthier path today? The answer is ..... YES!

Have a Great Day!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Are you living with “if” or “when”?

Hey there!

Here we are again meeting on a beautiful Sunday sharing our thoughts to loving the life we have, while dreaming of more. Is that the tape that is running in your head? Or is it a more defeating one? I have been using this very question with many aspects of my life. Let’s look at this question. Are you holding on to your ‘dreams and hopes’ if or when you have more money? Are you holding on to your ‘dreams and hopes’ if or when you have more time? In addition, we must realize where we are placing the responsibility for OUR happiness...It is solely our own, no one else has this power for OUR life. Example: I would be much happier if we had more money! or If others wouldn't bother me I would be less crabby. When I have more money I will sit back and enjoy my life. Hello! Today is here now... it's the best time for all. This loving of today will help you move to the dreams of tomorrow.

The key to start attracting more in our lives is to take the first step to look within ourselves. Do you find yourself saying, "I will be much happier if my boss wasn’t a jerk"? Or if everything was less stressful? Often, there are many 'excuses' that fly out of our mouths or pop into our minds. Who is the common denominator? The hard pill to swallow is US! I have been there and decided to swallow this bitter pill a few times in my life. It took me to be at the end of my options and tired of feeling unhappy or unfulfilled. I had to look within to start a changing journey inside of Merna!

Where do you start? I can almost here this question out loud as I am writing here, because I have asked the same questions in life. It starts with you! Remember – just KISS; keep it simple stupid! This is a saying I heard many, many years ago and it still rings in my head at times. Often, WE are the culprits that make our life passionless and hopeless. Each of us has the options to start today and make a better feeling life for ourselves. Think of it like ripples in a pond. When our core starts feeling better it will affect each other area of life.

This is where a personal relationship/life coach can help you break down your own barriers. They are the person to set the stage for you so you see what housecleaning needs to be done - without judgment! If you are interested in working with me go to my website and you will find a link for coaching with this information. You can also email me at the address below.

The first perfect stepping-stone is starting your Pocket of Pearls journey. To start making change we must first see what needs to change. One large ingredient in our fuel daily is our inner voice. How is yours?

I will leave you with that for today. I would love to hear about your journals any time. Drop me a note at

Take care,
