Sunday, August 24, 2008

Would you climb that Mountain?

I hope this finds you spending a leisurely Sunday at home recouping from your busy week. Hmmm… sounds like what I am doing. However, my lawn is calling my name again and it will get some attention today. It appears to be a beautiful day today, so I am looking forward to sometime outside.

I am on my last week of this term in school and I feel such a load off my mind with one of my two classes - Statistics. I am learning so many facts from my instructor and classmates about this class because I was clueless before hand. Many people drop this course or change their major because of it and I survived it – I did well I might add! I am not bragging here, rather feeling a huge sense of accomplishment. I had a few fleeting moments the first week of quitting, but they were fleeting. I had to find a way over this mountain for my Psychology degree, there was not any wiggle room. Also, quitting is not an option.

Yes, this class has been ‘over the top’ time consuming and taxing, but I did not give up. Quitting is never an answer for anything and we must look at our life to see if we use this ‘out’ as an excuse for our fears. Do you face your fears? Or Do you find a way to ‘avoid’ them? After all, if you do not try it you cannot fail. However, remember if you do not try, you cannot succeed either! Do you think of this in the moment? Do you weigh the consequences of what you are giving up? For most people the answer is no. It just seems the ‘easier’ way out to end the current struggle. What is your mountain?

Growth happens when we try the uncomfortable and stumble a little. When we live in our comfort zone daily without trying new things and getting uncomfortable, we stop growing. This is when our passion starts to die and we feel empty inside. The mundane sets in and sadly, many people think ‘hey it’s just the way it is suppose to be.’ I respectfully disagree with this statement! Life is about thriving, not just existing. Believe you me, I have been in the ‘existing’ mode too, and I wasn’t happy.

The workbook Pocket of Pearls can help you start taking your temperature of where your thoughts and inner voice is leading you. It gives you daily challenges to learn where you are at and challenges you to go to a better place. It is the first huge step is making changes in your life.

Have a great Sunday!

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