Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do you see an open Door?

Well, I believe winter has officially begun in the MidWest with our very white lower temperatures. [IE: Snow] It is beautiful and is a reminder of hibernation time, along with the balance of getting out too. The chill in the air can be invigorating too! Winter has its purpose for moisture in the ground preparing it for spring planting. So this is a time of reflection and true ‘inner’ growth because a time of self reflection is here for many.

When I think about giving our land a much-needed rest, it reminds me what I need to give to myself. Our mind, bodies, and soul need rest on a regular basis along with activity in life. Either one extreme or the other will leave us feeling empty and passionless. We have all been there at one time or another. In addition, we must stay on top of our personal needs so emptiness does not sneak up. However when it does, having a strong tool kit to reach in will help you get back on track. Do not get me wrong, none of us are perfect and life gets out of whack from time to time. The difference will be how you will get through it in a healthy manner! I am very much a person who works at living one at a time. However, I get out of whack too and my awareness keeps me diligent in my relationship with Merna.

What usually comes with wintertime and our slowing down of life is being alone with our self a bit more. When then happens we may become irritated, bored, frustrated, sad, and it has many more faces. However, many people don’t realize what is the core of these feelings. We look outside of ourselves and have our ‘excuses’…The ones that start with ‘if only’…If only it wasn’t so cold I would have something to do, If only I had more money I would be happier, If only …if only… All of us can personalize these realizations and bring them to our thoughts and relate! I have been there and this brings back many sad memories for myself. Now when I here myself saying I am bored [a rarity]... my immediate thought is what are you going to do about it? Life isn’t fair, so we must look at our answers to our problems. This is where changing your thoughts in I can’t, I can’t… to what you CAN do. This is a true shift in thinking. [Law of attraction nugget = focusing on I cannot, I can’t, it will never happen thoughts – you will receive just that and stay stuck. Focus on what you can do and doors will open, but you must see the open doors and take risks] Worrying about what all your limitations are will keep you stuck and not reach goals or happiness. How sad is that!

So I want to leave you with the thought of awareness today. Become aware of your words and inner words. Are they hopeful or limiting? Are they promising and loving? Pull out your pocket journal and make a change. Your life will love you for it!

Happy winter!


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